Saturday, October 31, 2009

Am I doing enough to improve my body over time?

I used to sit in front of a computer for over 10 hours a day and eat the worst food, aka pizza rolls/whole box of pasta + jar of sauce + cheese/ as well as anything sweet. About 4 months ago I stopped being a "fat ***" and started eating healthy, watching calories/fat/sugar, that kinda stuff as well as only drinking water, instead of cokes, and exercising(I'm 5' 10" and currently weight 140). I swim(at least 3 times a week), do 20 push-ups then 3 reps of 30 sit ups, then another 20 push-ups every night before I go to sleep, and as well I run for 30minutes on a treadmill every day at a slow run/fast jog pace. I don't expect to get fit and in shape right away, but can anyone else suggest some easy (or more time running) things I can do to slowly improve my body or is what I'm doing enough?
Do lunges and squats, I do them daily and it gives your legs definition and shape. Also run on a treadmill at your weight running a mile in about 5 minutes could get you to burn about 800-900 calories.
sounds like you are doing fine...just remember to do lots of stretches before and after your routines
1) Drink lots of COLD water. Your body burns calories heating up the water.
2) Take a daily multivitamin.-Calcium may increase the amout of fat burned during exercise.
-Products with EGCG can increase your metabolic rate.
3) Rather than exercise 1 time during the day, try splitting it up into thirds. You must consider that after exercising, your metabolic rate speeds up. So, if you excercise three times a day after every mean (though it doesn't have to be intense) you can help your body digest those 3 meals easier. 4) Don't think of this as dieting, but rather a change of lifestyle.
5) The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn.
6) Ask yourself is you're REALLY hungry or not. (As opposed to thinking that you SHOULD be hungry)These are things that aren't terribly detailed or associated with dieting or exercising, but are good things to know.
Hope this helps!
5'10 and 140lbs that's more than fine. keep up your good workouts maybe try some lifting to change the proportions.
Hi! What you have been doing is enough, what you need to ponder on much importantly is doing these things continuously and consistently. You really do not have to starve yourself too much or do muscle exercises everyday because muscles need to take a rest too or it will get burned out. |Just be consistent and you'll see positive amazing results.Thank you
Angel Gleed

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