Sunday, October 25, 2009

Am I Actually Obese!!?

I'm 5'10 %26 153 lbs, but I found out that my body fat percentage is 32%. Supposedly body fat that high is considered "obese". Am I really? My waist is 29 inches, hips are 36.5, and I'm freaking out.
that sounds pretty big...sorry
If you look like you're avatar...
Please - you are not obese. Those charts make me so angry !
why does it matter? if you look good and feel good and are healthy then dont worry. you may just not have as much muscle as the norm for you body style/weight. they go by an average that doesn't mean that you are going to be 100% the average. your not obese.
Uh, yea. *stairs in shock*Do some carido!
I'm not a freak, but I have a really fast metabolism. Those charts make me SO MAD! I try to gain a lot of weight to be average, but I have a super fast metabolism! My fat percentage was 4!
I wouldn't think so but either way don't feel bad. Obese is just a name that doctors use. If you're worried about your fat percentage get some resistance bands to help you build lean muscle. I hate working out but those are kinda fun so it's not that hard to stick to.
i would want to ask - how did you find out your body fat percentage? if you are using one of those nifty scales that is supposed to be able to calculate it, ignore it... they are known for being wrong.going by the body mass index calculators ( ) it says you are totally normalif you got it done at a doctors office, i would want to ask what weight the doctor thinks you should be at ... you are right on track as far as any height and weight chart i have run across...
i dont think so im 6 foot 5 and i weigh 260 all those stupid bmi charts say im obeese but according to my friends dr that preffored his gastric bypass surgery im only 10 pounds over weight. i think theese things were invented by the diet companys to prey on everyones fears
Are you male or female? And how did you find out your body fat percentage. If it's one of those online calculators, then they are not accurate and neither are body fat scales. Have your body fat percentage tested professionally at a gym or by a doctor. They use a device called a calliper to pinch a section of skin and fat just above the hip bones. This will tell you what your level of body fat is.If you are male and your body fat percentage is 32%, this would make you obese. If you are female, this would make you overfat (but not obese).The only reason you would have such a high body fat content at such a low weight is because you lack sufficient muscle mass or you have low bone density. If it turns out you do have 32% body fat, consider doing strength training to increase muscle mass and bone density. Also increase the amount of protein in your diet.
Your height and weight are perfectly within range of normal BMI, or body mass index. The high percentage, though, could be due to poor diet or lack of exercise. If you try changing your diet to include more protein and less fat, or exercising to improve your muscle mass. Since you probably don't need to lose any weight, I would suggest weight training or strength/core training to lower your body fat percentage. If you are trying to lose weight, adding cardiovascular workouts such as running or biking would help. Generally it's healthy to have both cardio and strength training in your exercise routine.
every inc. after 5 foot your supposed to weigh 5 pounds more
EX.5'1 your supposed to weigh 105 lbs and it deppend's on ur age also
If you look like your avatar, then you are disgustingly gross and fat. :D
You are not what people normally perceive as obese, but a high percentage of body fat can be unhealthy for your heart. The best thing you can do is try to convert that fat to muscle with exercise and a sensible diet.

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