Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Am I normal?

im 14 and 7 months, if that really matters.im 137.7lbs , 5ft 3in and i have 36in waste, am I at a normal weight for a 14 year old?and with that being said, my mom said i would grow and become skinnier looking is that true?(i know this is rediculous question and life is WAY too short to be carried up in the mess...but like i said im kinda worried in a way that i like to like myself. not that i wouldnt like to be my friends size, im not afraid to admitt that in some situations i care what i myself and others think about my outward apperance. call me fake, call me a 'hollister barbie' i dont care and why im going on a random rant i have no clue answer please and ignore my random ranting.)XOXO -ALEx Shiften
ur 22 pounds overweight go on the treadmill
yeh u will prob grow taller and flatten out:D
(not sayin ur fat)
if you maintain your current excercise/eating habits, you'll maintain your weight in proportion to your height
when you start growing, try to excercise and eat healthier and you will be SOOO much thinner :)
I'm not stupid enough to think that "It only matter's what is on the inside" because we all know that it's not. It's a silly question because you can not possibly walk around comparing yourself to other people. And that *is* true.You are totally unique, inside and out. You could be naturally blessed with being on the skinnier side, you could grow up and gain 100lbs, I'm sure you catch my drift. Don't worry about what your friends look like. Simply ask yourself if you feel happy, healthy, and beautiful.
the bottom line is you will grow into your body a bit more...just be healthy and be happy with yourself. you can tell if you are making bad choices in meals...so make good ones. Exercise a bit you will feel good about yourself no matter if you are underweight or overweight.

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