Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Am I fat??

I am a boy i am 11 years old and im am 5'3 and i wiegh 79 pounds now i know u guys r u going to say that is really skinny but when i look at myself i see fatness so what should i do? By the way im really healthy i am becoming the captin of the wrestling team in like next season and i run very good in fact i made to the finals my mile time is 6:09 and my half mile is 2:21.
No. You're not fat, not even close. Here's a health chart to look at. The first chart is for women, the second chart is for guys. If you think you're fat, you're VERY MUCH NOT.http://www.healthchecksystems.com/height...It's good to be healthy, but don't starve yourself or kill yourself to get skinnier. Look at the chart for weight and see what doctors think you should weigh.
Join the club, I feel the same when I look at myself. I'm 5'6 and 111 pounds. But dont look it.
Umm no! When I was 5' 3" I weighed 100! You are a skinny minny! Eat some ice cream!
You should probably see a doctor...not because you're fat, but rather because it seems like you have some issues with your weight. They would be able to tell you what is heathly and not healthy. If you ask me, being 5'3 and weighing 79 pounds seems quite underweight. Maybe you should also see a psychologist? Anorexia is a terrible thing.
- I see,,looks can sometimes be deceiving,.
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dont leave crap on my questions no more you little runt , and put on some weight its embarrasing for a man to weight that much , you pencil neck shemale.
holy moly canoli boy! you're skinny! i wish i was 79 lbs. lucky duck. you sound really skinny. i wish i could run a mile in 6 minutes! jeeeeeshhhh you're fine. but i would say skinny.
so heres the thing when you say you see fatness. think of the positives about yourself. you're not fat at all. you might be on the verge of becoming anorexic no offense. but it's true. same with me. maybe we both can get over this some how
good luck there and congrats!
No. I think that this is natural
nah your not fat, but you are a flamming homo!

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